Brief about RAS prelims

Wed Jul 26, 2023

RAS Exam is a three tier process in which the very first hurdle is to clear Prelims exam where almost 95% candidates get rejected or filtered out from appearing in the MAINS exam. This year there is a vacancy of 905 posts ( 424 State Service + 481 Subordinates Services). As per the  RAS 2023 advertisement 

"The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination will be 15 times the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year through the examination but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same marks as may be fixed by the Commission for any lower range will be admitted to the Main Examination" This number translates to 13,575 which means the approx. 14k candidates will appear in the MAINS exam

RAS pre Exam consists of 150 Questions for 200 marks which needs to be attempted in 3 hours.

1. There will be 150 questions of multiple choice (Objective Type), carrying equal marks.
2. There will be negative marking 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
The syllabus of the exam consists of General Knowledge and General Science. The detailed syllabus can be accessed through RAS pre 2023 syllabus.

To understand the pattern and to develop an approach, it is highly advisable that you should go through the trend of the exam along with the Previous year questions. Daily schedule based   practice will definitely enhance your chances to clear the exam.
We will share the trend and the schedule for daily practice in a separate blog and guide you in achieving your dream. 

 Note: As we are aware that there is a dearth of good English medium material for the RAS exam, we the Team TheFundabox brings you the latest and updated quality material. So keep checking this space and help us spread the word. 

All the best. We will do it together. 
